Archive for February, 2010

Why we sometimes need day jobs…

February 27, 2010

The city has been covered in snow for the past two days and I have been covered in vomit.

Baby M is sick and it’s not been pretty.  My finger has the pediatrician on speed dial.

In other developments, I got a call from a woman who is interested in interviewing me for a position at a recruiting firm.  If I get an awesome offer, I’ve decided I would accept it.

Here are my reasons for getting a day job:

1. It creates a system or framwork. Taking a shower, brushing my teeth and putting together an outfit will be systemized.  Instead of floundering with a pounding heart and adrenaline rushing through my clouded mind   I’ll have an audition, I’ll already be fresh and pressed.  People who don’t have children do not understand HOW HARD IT IS.  As my friend who owns a restaurant said, going to work was like a vacation.

I’m looking at my personal life and a career through the prism of a business person.  Are the systems working properly?  What can be improved?  I realized that ad hoc prep for an audition while being a stay at home mom does not work.

2.  Change is good.  Stagnant water is not. I’ve been an actress and a stay at home mother for almost 17 months now.  If I stayed doing what I’m doing I feel that I would be run to the ground and quit acting forever. Will this be the right answer?  I’m not sure but I’m willing to change it up and try it.  If it works, great.  If not, then at least I tried.

3.  I’m in this for the long haul. Ironically by getting a day job, it will allow me to be in the acting business for the long haul.  I take my creativity, my writing and my acting very seriously and right now these things are being seriously compromised.  I do not want to sew, make crafts, learn how to cook and clean better.  I want to act and write.  Period.  If I do not get out of the house, this ain’t happening.

4.  I’m listening to my gut. Other people have repeatedly told me that I should stay home.  That I’m lucky (I know I am) to have a child and a husband who can provide for us.  One woman is older with two grown children.  Another is a person with no children.  I realized I have to make a choice which is right for me and my family.

Anyway…this is what is on my mind.

Transition from little pond to big pond…

February 6, 2010

For the past three years I was in the burbs and hated it.  I hemmed and hawed and complained.

I’m in the city.  I got my wish.  I’m no longer complaining.

Moving was slightly rough but I can honestly say that moving back to Manhattan has been the best thing for my family, for me personally and of course, my acting career.

I’m enrolled in classes, I’m doing readings, I’m seeing screeners.  I just updated my reel (I had no idea I could act!), I’m updating my website, I’m writing…I’m humming.