Posts Tagged ‘Gossip Girl’


March 18, 2008

12:40 PM

Still not feeling so hot.

I spoke to my manager and she said that casting director thought I was “great” but they didn’t think they needed me and they had someone in mind. She told me that nothing is definite and she’s heard that before and then they booked her client. She also said that I should feel good because the casting director took a big risk in having me meet with the producer and director of the show.

I was bummed because I REALLY wanted it. It would’ve been great for my career and I was eager to be on set for a whole month. At the same time, I have these bad days (like today) where I just want to stay in bed all day. That said, if I booked it, I would do it come hell or high water. 😀

I wrote 5 pages of the feature and it feels a lot better than the hodge podge script I had earlier.

March 17, 2008

March 17, 2008

Lots of drunken people with big goofy grins, ruddy cheeks and green sparkly hats on today.

Listened to Paterson’s speech in my car, it was quite inspiring.

I saw Michael Musto, the gossip columnist, riding his bike on 8th Avenue and 36th Street. I was delighted to see him and wanted to yell out to him: “You’re an A-lister in my book, Mike!”. I was amazed because riding a bike in New York City is so dangerous and he was suddenly even more cool than I already thought him to be. It makes me want to ride my own bike to the train station. I felt it wasn’t really safe for me to do so but I think I may just try it to see how I feel. According to this article it is safe as long as I’m not overheating or getting exhausted.

I went to an audition at a casting director’s office that I’ve been to a few times. I literally had two lines. I did it and then the assistant CD was like: “Yea, that was good…” So we didn’t need to take another take.

I haven’t heard from my manager, she “was out of the office” all day? (Why?) Lord knows. I doubt I booked the Gossip Girl gig because it begins shooting this week. It’s okay. I made appointments with my agent and will give them the heads up on my current baby situation.

My husband and I went to a hospital to check out the labor and delivery area. Checking hospitals out early was the best piece of advice that I have been given. When we shop for clothes or even face creams, we investigate. With where we give birth, not so much. We pretty much go with what what is nearest to us rather than seeing what is the best fit for us. The hospital wasn’t bad, wasn’t great. Dh (dear husband) and I going to check out two more hospitals out. I’m looking for more of a holistic approach and want a place that respects that.