Archive for the 'Fitness' Category

Fitness & Health

June 3, 2008

I’ve always been an active person and staying healthy and fit is top priority for me. It will hopefully make everything better for the baby and allow me to have a speedy recovery.  I’ve found that I needed to adjust my fitness routine

Yesterday I went to prenatal yoga in Manhattan. I’m not sure if I’ll continue going there simply because I’m not going to Manhattan as much, it’s a bit tiring to go there and expen$ive. However, I do enjoy the classes because I love yoga and I like the women that I meet. We’re pretty much on the same page in terms of caring for ourselves and our unborn kids and also not necessarily accepting medical conventions.

This Christmas I got a bike for a gift. Then I got pregnant in January. If I lived in Amsterdam, land ruled by bike riders, I might ride the bike. Unfortunately I know two people who are very close to me who have fallen off their bikes and injured themselves, one pretty seriously. I don’t even want to risk that right now.

My old fitness routine:
Running 3-5 miles
Lifting weights, going slightly hardcore
Dance class, either jazz or broadway (My FAVE!)

My alternative/pregnant fitness routine:
Prenatal Yoga DVD
Swimming (need to get a bathing suit…”Watch out for the whale in the pool!” *sigh*)
Walking (I’ve been doing this a lot lately)
LIGHT weights